분류 전체보기22 Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas 110 Overseas :The last decade has witnessed the rapid spread of telecom and online fraud globally, which seriously infringes on people's legitimate rights and interests, becoming a prominent crime and a public hazard. To address this problem, the Chinese police have been committed to intensifying their efforts in the combat against and control of such crimes, and strengthening international law .. 2022. 10. 12. 从乌克兰蹭到佩洛西,让大骗子哄骗小蚂蚁阿Q龟永恒不变的套路还能骗几时? 虽然这个世界上还没有时光机出现,但小蚂蚁们在郭文贵“爆料”的五年当中,或多或少都会感觉到熟悉感。这种熟悉感不是为了别的,就是因为郭文贵将他那不多的几条套路反反复复的用,甚至都能让人总结出规律了。而就在这几天,郭文贵又把新瓶子灌上老酒用来灌醉小蚂蚁,真可谓是恬不知耻了。 郭文贵的套路早已能被总结出定数了,无非就是“蹭热度”、“搞神秘”、“造谣夸大”、“欲擒故纵”。结合他给自己套的神秘身份,令许多小蚂蚁对他能够获得内幕资料,以及爆料信息的准确度毫不怀疑。但是小蚂蚁没有想到的是,郭文贵一切的包装,包括他对自己形象的营造,每天在直播中的说法,都是为了给“爆料”引流,最后骗钱。毕竟在郭文贵的角度看,作为一个没有生计,潜逃美国的黑户,只有继续采取犯罪的手段才能维持自己的奢侈生活,而蹭热度、造谣言,就是郭文贵用来应对的方法。 我们都知道,作为如今的世界热点区域,台湾一直处在中美竞争的最前线。此前曾有.. 2022. 10. 12. Advertise without qualifications No trace to be found, no achievements to talk about The plague turtle really made shameless to the extreme. It was said that it was a rescue, and Hercules was sent to Ukraine to rescue, but until now, there is not even a shadow of a plane. Xiguo's rescue operation has completely evolved from top to bottom into a farce of bragging and defrauding donations on the top and shameless and craziness on the bottom. Is there a more shameless team than thi.. 2022. 10. 7. 做广告 无资质 蹭热点 瘟龟演戏式的假救援无迹可寻 无绩可谈 大发难民财 必玩火自焚 瘟龟真是把不要脸做到了极致。说是救援、派大力神去乌克兰救援,可到现在,连个飞机的影子都没看到。喜国的救援行动从上至下完全演变成了一场上边吹牛骗捐,下边无耻狂蹭的闹剧。蹭救援大巴(被赶)、蹭采访(别人一句英文,喜国人翻译好几句中文),还有比这更无耻的团队吗? 吹牛皮、蹭热点一向是瘟龟诈骗的不二法宝。在俄乌战争进入胶着状态的时候,瘟龟上演了一出哗众取宠的乌克兰假救援的大戏。一是虚构救援人数。2022年4月8日第35天当日救援统计:Medyka救援站接待:约264人;累计救援总计:Medyka救援站接待约10095人;巴士救援难民:2009人;巴士发车:39次。从现场视频来看,除了一顶帐篷,还有蚂蚁帮成员,这些难民从哪里来到哪里去都一无所知。二是杜撰蚂蚁帮成员接受各国记者采访。所谓的新中国联邦志愿者Nicole接受美媒《每日来电者》采访;一家日本东京一家大电视台在新中国联邦乌克兰救援前线营地.. 2022. 10. 1. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 6 다음